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It was far away for more than two million residents of the besieged Leningrad, of whom more than a million and a half did not wait for it…almost all of them died of hunger, and those who survived have not forgotten the taste of a 125 gram slice of bread a day, baked from rye and oat flour with added cellulose, wallpaper dust, needles, oilcake and unfiltered malt. It was also far away for those who went straight from the schoolbench into the heat of war. Young, unprepared – they knew no fear … yesterday’s girls and boys showed such heroism, which even now is difficult to talk about quietly, without tears. Many of them never waited for it, but everyone made it as close as he could.
The Great Patriotic War, in one way or another, touched almost everyone in our country. Perhaps there is not a single family that hasn’t told stories about that terrible time. The team of ITI Group congratulates all our compatriots on the 77th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet troops over Nazi Germany!