Moscow, Bratislavskaya st. 16K1
+7 495 740 4333
How, with a minimum of time and effort, to make the company most protected from all sorts of threats – coming from company employees and external? Today many facilities are under round-the-clock security. Such a need is caused by statistics showing that robberies, burglaries and illegal intrusions into private property remain a frequent occurrence.
There can be several options for protecting business and property: an on-site security service with self-selected personnel, non-departmental guards (employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) or a private security company which has concluded an outsourcing contract with the company.
There is still an opinion among some managers of Russian organizations and companies that an in-house security service is more effective at protecting property, people and business than a security agency that has signed an outsourcing contract with a company.
The situation is quite understandable, given the reluctance of many companies, including those with a completely transparent tax history, to allow outside employees to control their business and entrust them with information that is a trade secret. Some business directors believe that their handpicked, in-house specialists will be able to guarantee a more flexible approach to business security. In their opinion, over the years of work aimed at maintaining the security of property and business, full-time security guards become aware of all the pitfalls.
However, security officers often participate in theft of funds, property and business robbery, acting as facilitators or tip-offs for criminal elements. And the potential risks may be much more serious than the average security chief of a small or medium-sized company may think. Meanwhile, despite the often low efficiency of the structure, maintaining a personal security service requires considerable financial investments on an annual basis.
Today, even many large holdings with their own extensive network of security services, not to mention small and medium businesses, outsource security services to address certain issues and improve efficiency in this area. As a rule, part of the areas of complex security is outsourced. They may include checkup of contractors and partners, interaction with government agencies, resolution of external conflicts, collection of commercial information, engineering support of security systems (video surveillance systems, ACS, etc.).
Smaller companies often also outsource personnel security issues (verification of hired workers, problematic layoffs, preventive work with employees) and compliance with the regime at the enterprise. Of course, in order to ensure the proper level of technical means of surveillance and security, it is better to trust specialists with many years of experience. For example, one of the departments of ITI Group, a leader on the security market, provides such high-class technical services as information leakage channels detection and commercial secret control.
Enterprises of medium-sized businesses, which experience the most pressure from competitors, are subjected to the maximum number of risks. Accumulated assets in the form of production facilities and real estate, the increase in brand value attracts the attention of raiders, as well as often increase the pressure from criminal organizations and law enforcement agencies. As the value of the company grows, security issues become one of the most important conditions for its prosperity.
Often, if the own security service proves to be insufficiently effective, the assistance of third-party companies providing security services on outsourcing is used. In this case the outsourced security service does not compete with its own security service, but overlaps the uncovered areas in order to increase the level of company security.
As for small enterprises, in the majority of cases they do not deal with security issues on a permanent basis, and outsourcing at a stage when the number of company employees does not exceed several people is also more profitable than creation and financing of personal security service.
For the companies, the most profitable thing is to have as a partner a serious player not only in the law enforcement agencies, but also in the legal field, whose resources minimize all possible risks in the field of business security. Take, for example, the ITI group of companies. Clients who are outsourced security services of the holding feel secure knowing that in case of emergency ITI employees can involve their colleagues from other departments – call the immediate response group, attract lawyers, information security experts.
In the age of modern high-tech business, company security issues are often beyond the scope of personal security services. Therefore, for business owners who are aware that they cannot calculate all possible risks related to security, a reasonable solution may be to reorganize the security service and conclude a contract with a really strong player on the security and legal field, such as the ITI Group.
- Own security service, as a rule, is not able to protect the company from the risk of information leaks, to interact effectively with government agencies, to check the reliability of partners.
- Risks are difficult to calculate. Company security is an issue that is often beyond the competence of personal security service.
- The way out is a partnership with a strong player in the power and legal field, such as the ITI Group.